N头条>英语词典>lead up翻译和用法

lead up

英 [liːd ʌp]

美 [liːd ʌp]

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  • set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for
    1. Hitler's attack on Poland led up to World War II


  • Your role is to help in setting small interim goals and deadlines that lead up to larger ones, for example without hovering.
  • Similarly, the way some singers "lead up" to a note, using a nasalized slur is a device passed in oral transmission from person to person, possibly influenced by traditional fiddle-playing technique.
  • Republicans, the vast majority of whom are against gay marriage, said that Mr Obama simply made his historic announcement in an effort to gain support among liberal voters in the lead up to the general election.
  • In the lead up to World Health Day, WHO is following the experiences of six mothers-to-be living in different countries of the world.
  • You'll be able to lead up to excellence in life.
  • As the number of hours of sunshine per day increase, and the sun's intensity reaches its peak in the lead up to summer, we asked Dr.
  • Macao's Chief Executive, Edmund Ho, has meet top mainland officials for a progress report in a lead up to the territory's handover anniversary on Wednesday.
  • Some smart businessmen have caught the business chance to lead up to develop this business zone, negotiate actively and rebuild smoothly and has got original achievements.
  • Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door.
  • It's best if it fits the tone of your content otherwise it could get pretty confusing, although you could lead up to it, making it obvious what you're doing.